About Me

Hi! I’m Jenny. I find joy in being wife to my darling husband and mommy to our very busy, always moving Grace.

This is first and foremost a sewing blog. I’ve been sewing as long as I can remember. My first formal lessons were at 8,  but I remember sitting by my mom and grandmothers, watching, absorbing both the techniques and passions of sewing. I’ve sewn bits and pieces of my own wardrobe for years, and am now moving into making my daughter’s almost entirely myself. Part of it is style, but another big part is disappointment at what the stores think is acceptable for very small children. We want to raise her in a way that is both child-friendly and Christ honoring; finding the balance between modesty and practicality. And fashion, too!

You’ll see a lot of historically inspired projects for both myself and her. I love vintage with a modern flair. I’m also starting to incorporate heirloom techniques like lace insertion, smocking, and hand embroidery into my work. In three words? Classic. Functional. Fun.


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